Sunday 2 December 2012

How To Make a Cardboard Print

You will need:
-thick cardboard
-thin cardboard
-P.V.A. glue
-printing ink

What To Do:
1.Cut out cardboard shapes to make a picture.
2.Glue onto template.
3. Let it dry.
4.Put paper over top.
5.Use roller to put paint on the template.
6.Put paper over top and press it with a clean roller.
7.Pull off.

Friday 30 November 2012

Max at Pet Day

Max and I went to Pet Day.
First, Dad brought smelly Max to school. Max was as brave as a lion. He is a black and white dog but the the black is turning brown.
Next, I had a little play with Max on the field. The field was green and fresh. There were lots of other dogs. Some of them were as mean as a pirate. Max was as sweet as honey.
Next, it was the dog parade on the courts. There were fat, skinny and silly dogs. The little dogs went first. After the little dogs, there were the big dogs. When Max went around the track, he kept on stopping when people patted him. When we got home, I said good boy and had fish and chips.
It was the best day ever.

Athletics Day

When I was 9 years old, our school had an Athletics Day. We all competed in lots of events, like High Jump, Long Jump, Vortex, Shot Put, Discus and Sprints.It was a cold morning. After we left the courts, people were doing discus. I threw it hard as far as the sun. At first, I got number one then it was out.    
Next, we did long jump. I waited patiently in line as long as space. When it was my turn, I got about 27 metres. I felt proud of myself.  
After that, we did sprints. I ran as fast as a cheatah. In one race, I came 2nd and in two others, I came 3rd.  

Finally, we did shot put. I got number 3. It was pretty good fun. My friends did good too. 
I thought it was a cool day, but I was very tired when I got home from school that afternoon.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

King Arthur's Castle

Mrs Death read us the story of King Arthur, then we used three different pieces of paper and combined them to show what his castle looked like.

Monday 17 September 2012

The Wizard of Oz

Tomorrow, we are going to do a production. I am a scarecrow dancer. What I have to do is dance while the scarecrow sings his song. There are two crows, Emily and Richard. They get chased by Toto, then run in-between us.
My favourite character in the production is the Scarecrow because he is clumsy.
I'm feeling nervous about if I do the dance correctly, but I am also feeling excited because Productions are my favourite time of the year, because I like using my imagination.

Saturday 15 September 2012

The Hunter With Bad Luck

Once upon a time; there was a hunter named Hunter Jim who always wore a cowboy hat and ragged pants and a dirty old shirt. His horse was named KFC. It was dark brown with white spots and a bushy mane. Hunter Jim’s hobby was hunting. KFC’s hobby was eating grass.
One day, Hunter Jim and KFC were galloping through the bush while looking for
deer to kill. They weren’t watching where they were going and KFC bumped his head into a tree. He fell down and died.
“Oh man!,” said Hunter Jim. “Now I have to look while walking!”    
Just then, he heard something behind him, but nothing was there. He turned around again to find a big stag, so he chased it.
When he caught it, he got his knife and killed it. “Looks like it’s a happy ending, after all. I can’t wait to take it home and eat it,” said Jim.
It took him seven days till he got there though.
“I wish I had KFC,” he said.

New Zealand's Olympic Legends

The Canoe Races Yay!

During the Olympics, I watched the canoe races at the Olympics. The people's names for the New Zealand team were Joseph Sullivan and Nathan Cohen. In the boat, the two men were wearing really cool, black clothes. I wish I had some.
The water was calm at first, then it got sloshy. 
When they started the race, I thought we would lose, but then, the most amazing thing happened. We passed one boat and another and another, and, pretty soon, we were in the lead and we won. We won the gold medal.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Hi. My name is Alex. I like aliens and using my imagination. I use my imagination when I am bored. I like to imagine there are dinosaurs all around me.