Saturday, 15 September 2012

The Hunter With Bad Luck

Once upon a time; there was a hunter named Hunter Jim who always wore a cowboy hat and ragged pants and a dirty old shirt. His horse was named KFC. It was dark brown with white spots and a bushy mane. Hunter Jim’s hobby was hunting. KFC’s hobby was eating grass.
One day, Hunter Jim and KFC were galloping through the bush while looking for
deer to kill. They weren’t watching where they were going and KFC bumped his head into a tree. He fell down and died.
“Oh man!,” said Hunter Jim. “Now I have to look while walking!”    
Just then, he heard something behind him, but nothing was there. He turned around again to find a big stag, so he chased it.
When he caught it, he got his knife and killed it. “Looks like it’s a happy ending, after all. I can’t wait to take it home and eat it,” said Jim.
It took him seven days till he got there though.
“I wish I had KFC,” he said.


  1. Hi Alex,

    Can you tell me a bit about your art work?

    Mrs Atkins

  2. Its of a hunter on a horse looking for deer.

  3. Ha ha - this is a fabulous story Alex. It cracked me up! Did you think it up by yourself? - if so it is quite a sophisticated storyline and I love the joke at the end. You are very clever at writing funny stories and I loved the descriptions of Hunter Jim and KFC at the beginning and also how you captured Hunter Jim's style of talking.
    I am very impressed!
    From Mrs Death
    PS: I love your blog wall paper.
