Saturday 15 September 2012

New Zealand's Olympic Legends

The Canoe Races Yay!

During the Olympics, I watched the canoe races at the Olympics. The people's names for the New Zealand team were Joseph Sullivan and Nathan Cohen. In the boat, the two men were wearing really cool, black clothes. I wish I had some.
The water was calm at first, then it got sloshy. 
When they started the race, I thought we would lose, but then, the most amazing thing happened. We passed one boat and another and another, and, pretty soon, we were in the lead and we won. We won the gold medal.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alex,

    I like the word sloshy that you used. It gives the reader a picture to imagine.

    A great ending, you have given it a twist, at first you think we lost and then you anounce it happened, we won using a good word, amazing. It gives lots of expression.

    Mrs Atkins
