Thursday 21 March 2013

My Birthday

​​Last year, I had a birthday at Rainbow Springs and Jackson and Richard came with me. ​
When we were on the way, we stopped at McDonald's. We got a slushy chips and a burger. I dropped my chip in my slushy and so did Richard. We sucked them out with our straws. We had a quick play on the play ground, then we got in the car and went to Rainbow Springs. ​
When we got there, Jackson and I were talking about the Big Splash while mum and dad got things from in the car.
"It's going to be a little creepy," I said.
"I know," said Jackson.
My favourite was the kiwi. It was hard to see them because darkness swallowed the room. When we did the Big Splash, the queue was as long as a snake.

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