Tuesday 28 May 2013

Zero Waste

It is important to reuse, reduce, recycle and compost so that we don't keep adding to the landfill. Every month,
NZ makes a rugby field long and 30 classrooms high of rubbish. We can reuse our old things that we don't need any more to make something else useful such as a bird feeder.

Elgrego's Magic Show

Yesterday, the whole school went into the hall to watch the Elgrego magic show.

When we were ready, Elgrego started his magic show by making birds appear. My favourite bird trick was when he turned birds into a rabbit. Elgrago had a box with nothing in it, then he opened it again and there was a bird in the box. We were surprised. There was another one. He took a bird out of the fire. I can't remember what he put the fire in but it was amazing.

Next, he performed a magic trick with fizzy raspberry drink. He put the glass in a box then he turned the box to the side then the other side then upside down, then he opened it and the drink was still in the glass. We were so surprised that we froze.

After the drink trick, we watched Elgrego talk with Seemore, the baby green dinosaur. Seemore told us about how other dinosaurs teased him because he was green. Elgrego was a ventriloquist. Those are people who talk for the puppet. The baby dinosaur sang The Rainbow Song from the Muppet Show because Kermit was green.

One other trick was when he put a sauce bottle into a paper bag. We all thought he was holding it in the bag but then he screwed the bag up. The crowd went wild.

Finally, Elgrego performed the brick wall trick. Elgrego had a brick wall. He stood behind it and he held up a blanket and walked through the brick wall. I think I know how he did that trick. I think he went around it.

It was a very cool show. I knew how to do some of the tricks but some were amazing.

Tuesday 21 May 2013


Last night I went to Confirmation.
When Bishop Browne called me up, I knelt on the step. Bishop Browne called me Patrick because I chose Saint Patrick as my saint.
While I was kneeling, Bishop Browne put oil on my forehead. It looked like wax. I felt nervous but, when I went back to my seat, I felt proud of myself.
It was fun but very long. It reminded me of Reconciliation.